Monday, September 30, 2019

Early Literacy Essay

â€Å"Effective Early Years classrooms immerse students in books, visual images, and the spoken word. A literacy-rich environment is important for all students. † (Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth, 2008). Creating literacy-rich environment requires sufficient teaching skills and understanding of literacy processes at early childhood. There are several essential elements which literacy-rich environments should include. 1. Objects in literacy-rich environments are usually labeled in English and other languages which children speak in their family environments. Labeled objects represent a kind of reading / comprehending literacy interface for children, who just start to develop their reading and communicating skills (NCREL, 1999). 2. Literacy-rich environment should include books in all interest areas (RIF, 2008). â€Å"A literacy-rich environment provides students with a wide variety of texts that include oral, print, and other media communication† (Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth, 2008). As long as young children are involved into reading and interacting with books, they will successfully develop their basic literacy skills. 3. Attractive posters are always present in literacy-rich environments (Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth, 2008). Attractive posters contact young children at their eye level, and produce an engaging literacy effect on the student’s conscience. 4. Student-published books create literacy-rich atmosphere in the classroom. â€Å"Teachers need to supplement narrative and expository texts with appropriate types of literacy materials with which students are familiar in their personal lives† (NCREL, 1999). There is nothing better and nothing more familiar and personal, than the books which children themselves create and publish. 5. It is not enough to have books in all interest areas. Children should have an opportunity to snuggle with a book during or between the lessons (RIF, 2008). Library specialists should ensure that children possess sufficient reading space in classroom. Librarians should be actively involved into the process of selecting the appropriate reading material for young students. 6. Reading aloud is another element of the literacy-rich environment (RIF, 2008). Reading aloud to children helps develop a wide range of knowledge about different topics and create a large vocabulary. 7. Literacy-rich environments make reading interactive (RIF, 2008). It is critical that children are involved into the reading process, and are requested to form their thoughts into complete sentences. Reading, comprehension, and communication are the three integral elements of the literacy development among young students. 8. â€Å"Different areas of classroom should be devoted to materials and equipment to encourage writing, viewing, and representing through art and drama, listening to music and to story-tapes† (Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth, 2008). As a result, literacy-rich environments are not limited to reading development strategies. Literacy involves the development of other related skills including writing and observation. This is why audio and visual equipment should be present in the literacy-rich classroom. 9. Technological advancement has also reached schools. Literacy-rich environments in contemporary schools cannot be effective without implementation of the latest computer software. Young children should have an opportunity to learn computer word processing skills (RIF, 2008). 10. Children should be encouraged to read and write. In literacy-rich classrooms, children are constantly involved into various literacy games. For example, children can be asked to sign the drawings or paintings they make in class (RIF, 2008). This approach will create favorable comprehensive environment even for the children who possess weak literacy background. Conclusion To create literacy-rich environment in classroom means to take into account numerous small details, which will promote literacy among young students, and will make learning easy and comprehensible for them. It is critical that teachers closely watch the process of literacy development among children. Literacy-rich environments and experiences â€Å"have a profound effect on children’s literacy development by providing opportunities and encouragement for children to become successful readers† (NCREL, 1999). References Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth. (2008). Creating a literacy-rich environment. Manitoba Education, Citizenship, and Youth. Retrieved April 9, 2008 from http://www. edu. gov. mb. ca/k12/cur/ela/docs/literacy-rich1. html NCREL. (1999). Critical issue: addressing the literacy needs of emergent and early readers. North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. Retrieved April 9, 2008 from http://www. ncrel. org/sdrs/areas/issues/content/cntareas/reading/li100. htm RIF. (2008). Fostering early literacy. Reading Is Fundamental. Retrieved April 9, 2008 from http://www. rif. org/educators/advicetips/tip. mspx? View=22

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Brain Development Essay

The first eight years of a child’s life are not only the most important years of a child’s life, but also the most rapid period of human development throughout a human life. These years are critical to the emotional and physical growth of a child. By the age of four, half of a person’s intelligence potential has already been developed and early childhood experiences can have a lasting effect on personality, behavior, and learning. (Early, 2001) These first eight years of life are broken down into the first two years, early childhood, and middle childhood. Throughout these three stages of life, the brain does most of its developing and determines the life that person will lead. The developing of a child’s brain falls upon the interactions and experiences a child has with its parents and any other primary caregivers in the beginning of life. During the first two years of a child’s life, a lot occurs in their brain which is essential to their life. Whe n a child is born, about seventy percent of their neurons are located in their cortex. (Berger, 2010) In an infant, the cortex is made up of thin layers of tissues that cover the brain and make the thought process possible. The layers related to the basic senses tend to mature pretty early in an infant’s life, but the prefrontal cortex is one that matures late. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for anticipation, planning, and impulse control and is practically inoperative during the first few months of life. It doesn’t start to mature until childhood and continues to through adolescence and adulthood. (Boyd, 2010) Areas of the brain are very important for basic needs to live such as breathing and heartbeat deep in the skull. Emotions and impulses are controlled somewhere in the middle of the brain and perception and cognition are in the cortex. Even though at birth the brain contains more neurons than it needs, it contains fewer dendrites and synapses than it will obtain throughout life. In the cortex, the growth of synapses, axons, and dendrites takes place quickly in the first months and years of an infant’s life. This causes the brain weight to triple by the age of two. In addition, five times as many dendrites and one hundred trillion synapses are present by the age of two. This large growth of dendrites is followed by pruning. Pruning is the process by which unused connections in the brain atrophy and die, so that new ones can grow. (Berger, 2010) Pruning is very important in the development of a healthy  brain. If there is too much or too little pruning going on, problems can oc cur. When there is too little pruning, children make have intellectual disabilities that makes thinking difficult, such as autism. When there is too much pruning, it can lead to a reduction of brain activity. (Berger, 2010) Infant brains to not develop correctly if they lack certain experiences that all humans need, such as stimulation. Babies need to be played with and talked to during their first years in order to encourage movement and allow sensations. If babies are not talked to or played with, it can stunt the brain. Infants are satisfied with even the most simple objects and facial expressions. Human brains are designed to grow and adapt with whatever object they have available and whoever provides them with every day attention. Every baby will go through a stressful experience here and there, but it is patterns of mistreatment that harm their brain, not moments. (Berger, 2010) The most important parts of the brain develop during early childhood. Between the ages of two and six, planning, thinking, social awareness, and language occur in the cortex. It is during early childhood when the prefrontal cortex starts to mature. This allows young children to begin to plan ahead and even think about the past. (Berger, 2010) The biggest increase in brain weight after the first two years is because of myelination. Myelination continues for years and it is a life-long process, but is most apparent in early childhood. It speeds the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons and becomes pivotal when multiple thoughts and actions have to take place all at once. (Boyd, 2010) By time m ost children turn six, they can see object and name them, catch a ball and throw it, and write and say their ABC’s in order. It is important that when children are doing these things, that the adults in their lives are patient. The only way children are going to learn how to tie their shoes, write their name, or get dressed, is if they do it on their own with a little help from a parent. If a parent is constantly yelling at a child to hurry or take over, their child will always think that they can’t do it by themselves. (Berger, 2010) In early childhood, children have the tendency to stick to a thought for a long time instead of switching to another. This is why children at this stage have difficulty sorting objects. Once a child is told to sort something by color and do it correctly, if they are told to next sort by shape, they try to sort by color again. However, something in  the brain matures between ages three and five that allows children to grow out of perseveration. (Berger, 2010) The corpus callosum grows rapidly during early childhood. This long, thick band of nerve fibers that connects the left and right sides of the brain ,make communication between the hemispheres better and allows children to coordinate both sides of the brain and the body. (Boyd, 2010) If the corpus callosum does not mature, it could result in serious disorders such as autism. It is important that children can coordinate both sides of the brain because both sides are normally involved in every skill, even though both sides do diff erent things. (Berger, 2010) The amygdala, the hippocampus, and the hypothalamus are crucial to emotional expression and regulation during early childhood. The amygdala registers positive and negative emotion, including fear. Increased activity in the amygdala can cause young children to have nightmares or phobias. (Berger, 2010) Located next to the amygdala, the hippocampus is in control of memory. Children are able to remember memories they had at certain locations that will follow them through adulthood. The hypothalamus responds to symbols from both of these parts of the brain. The hypothalamus produces a hormone called cortisol to activate parts of the brain and body. As all three of these parts of the brain develop, children pay close attention to their parents’ emotions. If they sense that their parent is scared or worried, they will also develop fear. (Berger, 2010) Brain maturation in young children is advanced, but like in infants, experience and parental relationships has an impact too. Brain maturation only increases more throughout middle childhood. Since the brain has no areas specific for reading like it does for talking, gestures, and expressions, humans have to learn to read on their own. This is possible because of massive interconnections between the parts of the brain that deal with sounds, vision, and comprehending. (Berger, 2010) These â€Å"massive interconnections† are not only needed for reading but for many other social skills as well. Several parts of the brain connect to enable for many activities, reading, writing, logic, and social decisions. Children require more connections than adults because they often use more parts of their brain for activities than adults do. (Boyd, 2010) The older that children get, the quicker their reaction time gets. In middle childhood, children are more efficient learners because of their more speedy reactions. In addition  to thinking quickly, children are able to pay more attention in middle childhood. As children get older, they get better at concentrating on one stimuli and ignoring others. They are more able to focus on one thing and not get distracted by others. This usually happens by the age of seven. (Berger, 2010) In middle childhood children also learn how to do math. They adopt newer, better strategies to solve math problems. Although they aren’t always perfect, they can usually find the right answer. In children during middle adulthood they may know the answer one day, but it isn’t permanently in their brain and they may not know they answer the next day. (Berger, 2010) Another way children advance in middle childhood is through memory. They are better at connecting their past knowledge to what they are doing in that moment. Children realize that some things should be remembered and they begin to strategies like repeating themselves in order to remember them. Th ey also use strategies like visual clues such as remember how a word looks or auditory clues like remembering how a word sounds. In middle childhood children’s memory becomes more adaptive and they are able to learn from their parents, teachers, and friends. (Berger, 2010) From the time children are born until they reach adolescence they are developing rapidly in their brain and bodies. Although most of the development of the brain during childhood is genetic, it is so important for parents to interact with their children, be patient with them, teach them new things, and set the best example they can for their children so they can become healthy adults. Brain development doesn’t stop after childhood, but continues to develop throughout adulthood. Almost all of the brain development takes place during childhood and the first several years of a person’s life are the most important to their personality and their future. â€Å"References† Early Childhood Development: The Key to a Full and Productive Life. New York: UNICEF, 2001. PDF. (Early, 2001) Berger, Kathleen Stassen. Invitation to the Life Span. Second ed. New York: Worth, 2010. Print. (Berger, 2010) Boyd, Denise Roberts., and Helen L. Bee. The Growing Child. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2010. Print. (Boyd, 2010)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business plan - CoViTek Essay Example for Free

Business plan – CoViTek Essay CoViTek is an Atlanta based company that offers a unique value added service to the $11 billion dollars video rental industry. CoViTek will revolutionize the industry by renting movies through its video vending machines. These machines are already experiencing tremendous success in Europe, where they were invented. Customers will now be able to rent videos twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week in a timely and efficient manner at the lowest price. Our machines can be implemented anywhere, even in locations that are not accessible to our brick and mortar competitors, and we will therefore focus our efforts on all the strategic locations. Reve-lution Int. will offer a unique business-to-consumer service for the rental of videos and DVDs. The technology, containing a fully automated system, will facilitate continuous rental and return of movies bridging the gap between video stores, who only are open 15 hours a day, and services such as the nonexistent Kozmo. com, who offer video delivery for a premium price. The company has a cost-per-action (CPA) pricing structure. CoViTek’s target customers will include universities with a student body of at least 10,000 in addition to the rest of the city of Atlanta for the first six months of operation. CoViTek will provide their clientele with a complete set of integrated tools within the machine to make accurate and enjoyable purchasing decisions. CoViTek will give video rental customers the freedom of rental 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year long. CoViTek will build the world’s truly first convenient and efficient rental system†¦ Target Customers Movie rentals have proven to be an integral part of the everyday lives of the American population. With more than $11 billion dollars in rental sales in 1999, we acknowledge the aggregate demand for the video rental industry. Constantly seeking immediate gratification, video rental stores want the most efficient and cost-effective methods of satisfying their customers. CoViTek will make rentals simple by providing consumers the most efficient tools for with which to initialize a rental process. With the killer application technology used in these machines, the customer will be able to conduct multiple searches in order to rent the movie of their desire. CoViTek will further assist them through the provisions of an active preference search, which is currently being used by Amazon. com. This application will determine what the customer rented last and list the preferred movies of that category the customer will like based on past rental behavior. CoViTek’s potential customers will represent the bulk of video rental households who value rental outlet convenience and flexible payment plans. CoViTek will strive for the most efficient, cost-flexible payments and active searches for preservation of quality time. Market Growth Perspective According to analyst Paul Keagan & Associates, at home movie consumption expenditures will increase approximately 40% by 2005 to $27 billion, almost triple the amount spent in 1990. The vast majority of these expenditures, about 83%, will be for video/DVD rentals and retail. However, movie consumption will also encompass pay-per-view and video on demand (VOD) available through cable and satellite services. Video Production Companies Ninety percent of our videotapes will come from one of the six major production companies: 1. Buena Vista 2. Warner Bros. 3. Universal 4. Fox 5. Paramount, or 6. Columbia-Tri-Star The power of these suppliers is very high, as they hold the exclusive rights to the movies they produce. One of our late competitors, Kozmo. com, has built a unique strategic partnership with these production companies. They have developed a profit sharing system with the major production companies requiring no initial investment in the videos, but agreeing to give 40% of the revenue generated by the rentals to the producer of the movie. We believe that this profit sharing system is financially unattractive, although it will allow us to reduce our initial investment costs; it minimizes our profits which in turn will delay our expansion strategy. We will use an initial video vendor, Video Bicicling, based out of Texas to supply us with our videos and DVDs. They will provide us with the most up-do-date movies for competitive prices. Competitor Differentiation CoViTek differentiates itself from its competitors in several key areas. While companies such as Blockbuster and Hollywood Entertainment offer the same features, only CoViTek will incorporate all of the features described below in a way that gives consumers the ultimate ease of use, active preference search, and extremely convenient locations of operations. Time Availability CoViTek’s competitive advantage is based on its time availability for rentals. The machines will be open and available for usage 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round. CoViTek will keep customer service readily available even throughout holidays. Strategic Locations CoViTek will implement the vending machines in key strategic locations after performing a detailed demo-geographical analysis of the city of Atlanta. Locations will initially be university campuses and later the urban areas of the city. Each machine will be located in areas where there is heavy human traffic. Payment Flexibility Our pricing will be flexible depending on the amount of time the video is out. Since CoViTek is a system that is open 24 hours a day there are no late fees associated in our model. Our standard rental time for DVDs is â€Å"midnight of the following day† for a price between $2. 50-$3. 00. Each additional day will be between $1. 50-$2. 00. Video Cassettes will be $3. 99 and if returned within 24 hours $1will be credited back. Each additional day will be $1. 99. (Based on new releases) Active Search CoViTek will use an innovative application technology which actively searches for videos categorized by title, actor, new releases, type of movie (action, thriller, comedy), and most frequently rented movies. Relative Competitive Factor Blockbuster Video Hollywood Video Kozmo. com CoViTek Relative Product Quality and Differentiation i i i i Flexible Payment Plan i E-commerce Based i i Brand Recognition % 100% 63% 40% N/A Locations around campuses i i i i Locations on Campuses i i Large video selection.i i Number of employees less than 5/ location i One of the most compelling aspects of the CoViTek model is its portability into untapped realms of video rental opportunities. This will provide the company with a critical advantage-the flexibility to transform itself in response to competitive challenges or to shifts in the video rental market environment. CoViTek’s flexibility will give downside protection to its owners by insuring that new, innovative means of generating cash flow can be realized. Future elements of CoViTek may include: National Expansion. Video rental opportunities in selected national markets such as: Washington D. C. , Los Angeles, Miami and Huston. Washington D. C: our second location has similar features to our first city of operation. It has a few large universities, widely used public transportation, and high pedestrian traffic. The schools we target will be American University, George Washington University, and Georgetown University. Our downtown locations will depend on areas where there is an intersection of the public transportation lines and high pedestrian traffic. Data Distribution. Future plans may include the sale of CoViTek’s proprietary online consumer data to the major video production companies. Specialized Machine Content Another growth opportunity for CoViTek in the future is the implementation of machines with customized video selection. The content of these machines will be select videos and DVDs targeted toward an audience based on specific themes. These machines will be placed in strategic locations based around their themes. Some possible â€Å"themed† machines may include: classic movie machines, foreign movie machines with Spanish subtitles or dubbing, and award-winning movie machines. The placement of these machines will require careful market analysis and planning, and therefore we plan to wait before implementation to gather enough data about the market and the purchasing patterns of our customers. Investment Needs Michel Khoury founder of CoViTek, has accumulated cash in excess of $10,000 for the development and the start-up cost of the company. CoViTek is now prepared to obtain financing through establishing a line of credit and implementing an equipment loan for its initial machine. It will later apply for loans as needed in order to buy more machines as it expands its operation. Using the machines and earnings as collateral CoViTek should have sufficient funds to obtain a line of credit that will secure its implementation of strategy. The initial stage of funding will be used to complete Web-site development, obtain one machines, invest in computer hardware and software, lease location space needed for the machines and market CoViTek during the first 12 months of operations. After 12 to 18 months of operation, CoViTek will require an infusion of an additional $15,000 to expand its brand image and increase its service offerings at an accelerated pace. Successful development and operation of CoViTek will allow it to be self-sufficient within approximately 9 to 12 months of initial operation. CoViTek will be a for-profit company incorporated in the state of Georgia. CoViTek – Start up costs Machines $20,246. 64 Inventory: video tapes $9,210 Cash/ month $2,808 Advertising $8,000 Legal & Accounting $7,000 Insurance $3,000 TOTAL $50,264. 64 Management team Michel Khoury Chief Executive Officer Founder While founding CoViTek, Michel Khoury is Assistant Managing Director at Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. He is working hand in hand with the Managing Director of the company in order to implement a system of bringing foreign investment to the company. He has had significance experience with young ventures as he has participated in the creation of several companies nationally and internationally. Michel Khoury is also consultant to the CEO of Santege Capital Asset Management Group in New York City. Michel Khoury graduated in May of 2001 from Emory University with a Bachelor of Business administration with concentrations in Finance, Consulting, Venture Management and Marketing. Business plan – CoViTek. (2017, Aug 04).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Risk Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Risk Assessment - Essay Example The history and ability of terrorists involves any method they have utilized to accomplish their objectives. Secondly, the risk assessment process should identify the building asset value that requires safeguarding, or protection. The third step is conducting a vulnerability assessment (Baranoff, Harrington & Niehaus, 2006). A vulnerability assessment appraises the probable vulnerability of essential assets against a wide range of hazards or threats that have been identified. A vulnerability assessment gives a foundation for establishing measures of mitigation. These may be required to protect essential assets in a building. A vulnerability assessment acts as a connection between hazard or threat, value of asset, and the consequential risk level. Step four is the risk assessment. This stage involves analyzing the threat, value of asset, and vulnerability to determine the risk value of each and every significant asset against any threat that can be applicable. Moreover, a threat that would happen and has extremely little consequence may need mitigation measures that are easy and of low cost. Those that are more likely to occur, but have consequences that are particularly massive may need mitigation measures that are complex, and more expensive (Wheeler, 2011). The risk assessment process should provide a comparative risk profile. ... The purpose of the process of assessment is to realize the protection level required. This is through the execution of mitigation measures in a designed building. The mitigation measures may decrease the risk by denying, detecting, devaluing or deterring the probable threat component before, or during a terrorist attack. In addition, mitigation measures may lessen the risk of injury or damage by imparting a satisfactory protection level if there is an occurrence of a risk. It may also work to dissuade an aggressor further (Crouhy, Galai & Mark, 2005). This paper will look at a risk assessment of the Seattle Space Needle building. Threat Identification and Rating   There are many hazards that are manmade. This makes necessary to comprehend the individuals who have the intention of harming others. On the other hand, it is fundamental to be familiar with an aggressor’s tactics, weapons, and tools. The Seattle Space Needle building designers recognize that tactics, tools, and we apons can change quicker than the building can be customized against the threats that are posed. They acquired the hazard or threat assessment information from local emergency management, local enforcement, the Homeland Security department, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (Crouchy, Mark & Galai, 2000). For risks or hazards that involve technology, they got information from the Local Emergency Planning Committee, State Emergency response Commission, hazardous materials unit, and the local fire department. These organizations isolate facilities that are significant in zones that are vulnerable and create management plans for emergencies. Moreover, many fire departments have information on industries in a local area that have many of the materials

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business decisions - Essay Example The company is also finding it difficult to undertake product differentiation. Moreover with the present global financial crisis, the company is also facing the problem of lower spending by the customer. Finally due to the housing crisis, rising unemployment rate (9.9%) and the steady depreciation of the dollar has led to a huge current account deficit for the country. Larsen must conduct proper research to understand the customer. The company should continue with its marketing research programs. This would give knowledge of the customer’s needs and wants during these recessionary periods. The company must continue with its advertising budget. This strategy follows from a popular theory that states that companies who advertise during recession are the leaders when the economy bounces back. It should prepare ads which tend to focus on family values rather than the extreme fun and humor ads. In order to cut costs the company can resort to reduce the duration of the ads rather than scrapping them as a whole. The company can also put emphasis on direct marketing as a promotional tool. Larson must also reforecast its demand estimates. These estimates should be made on the basis of actual market conditions. The demand estimates must be made on the basis of scenario planning where different scenarios would be considered while forecasting the demand estimates. Larson must also change its pricing strategies. Instead of a cost plus pricing strategy it can adopt a marginal cost pricing approach in which the company would charge only the additional amount apart from the total cost coming from labor and materials. The advantage of this strategy is that the company can set up prices of the products near the marginal costs during the periods of poor sale. . (Weinburg College of Arts and Sciences, n.d.) Finally the firm must look towards expanding into newer markets like Asia which offer tremendous opportunities. Lastly it can also identify its business

Identify the selection process of the federal judiciary. Explain the Research Paper

Identify the selection process of the federal judiciary. Explain the role of the federal judiciary in lawmaking. Should the judiciary be active or passive in interpreting the law Why - Research Paper Example This is followed by the nomination of the candidates and the list is forwarded to the senate judiciary committee for scrutinization. The members of the committee send all the nominees questionnaires before they come for hearings. After which, the committee makes its recommendations for approval by the senate through voting. The list of the best judges is given to the president for approval and they become judges (Posner, p. 13). The competence of the judiciary is evident in law making. It distributes legislative power between national and state governments by defining the policies and bills brought forward by the lawmaking bodies such as the national assembly. Therefore, jurisdictional power to rule and oversee the respect of the constitution is the main role of the judiciary in law making. The judiciary must be active in interpreting the law since it is the only independent body with the mandate. Given that the constitution is complex to interpret, the judiciary stands in as the only body that can interpret the laws to the citizens. That is why it must remain relevant and active in policy making and interpretation of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Impact of Creative Advertising on Consumer's Attitudes towards Literature review

The Impact of Creative Advertising on Consumer's Attitudes towards High and Low Involvement Products - Literature review Example In order to explain the difference between the high involvement products and low involvement products, an example between toothpaste and laptop is given (Bajaj, 2001). Here tooth paste is the low involvement products, while the laptop is a high involvement product. Both the products are evaluated on the basis of the benefits that can be received from them (Mintzberg and Waters, 2009). Apart from that, a high involvement product costs considerable more than a low end product (Benner and Sandstrom, 2012). Due to this reason the customer looks for differentiating factors in that particular product, which are not present in other products. The customer looks for specific features in the product that justifies the price paid for that product (Morgan and Linda, 2005). In other words the customer wants to achieve greater differentiation within the particular budget earmarked. In case of low involvement product, the products are more or less the same, offering the same benefits and features at the same cost (Bonaccorsi and Daraio, 2009). Thus, the low involvement products are characterized by less products differentiation. So for this reason the customer can reach to a conclusion easily (Robert, James and Jean, 2004). Creativity in advertising Creativity helps to transform thinking which are strategic in nature into ideas. These ideas then enable the advertisers to create effective communication (Samiee and Roth, 2003). There are mainly three different stages in creativity; create, creation and creative. In order to create, the advertisers need to float a new idea that is unique and different from the other ideas. The new idea is linked to the main purpose. It constitutes the... This report stresses that creativity in advertisements creates the difference in the way customers perceives a low involvement product and a high involvement product. The numerous experiments indicate that creativity in advertisement influences the buying pattern of the goods. The effect of creative advertisement is more on high involvement products than the low involvement products. A customer has to factor in different kinds of variables and information while buying a high involvement product. This article makes a conclusion that the involvement of the customer can be eased and the buying process can be fastened up and smoothed if the customer is made well aware of the product and the way it can be differentiated with other brands. By bringing in creativity in the advertisement the advertiser is in reality serving the same proposal although in an innovative way. The idea of doing the same and usual thing in a different way create lasting impression on the mind of the customer. The customer is able to associate with or recall the product for a longer period of time. The closest memory the customer accesses are long term memory where the information regarding the brand is stored. Creativity advertising helps to create that niche space in memory through connecting with the most basic features a customer looks while making a decision. The basic features are attention, perception, emotion, senses, reasoning, though, language as well as assimilation and recognition.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case Study- Marks & Spencer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case Study- Marks & Spencer - Essay Example Case Study- Marks & Spencer Despite new policies being made and brand’s shares overtaking the UK general retail index since 2009, M&S still fails to be a hit around the globe. I think this is because save cost savings, little improvement is made in financial performance with majority of customers who approach M&S stores belonging to old age group. This is one of the main shortcomings of the company that it fails to attract younger people especially women to its stores and this is an area where more work needs to be done by M&S management in order to compensate for the fall in profits. A growing body of arguments attempts to find out what exactly M&S should do to combat falling fashion sales which despite different policies and many changes made within company, fail to reverse. People who ardently used to approach M&S stores for quality shopping experience now hesitate because apart from dwindling standard, there is also lack of innovation and flair in designs and patterns of clothes. This explains why M& S is currently relying more on food sales for annual profits as clothing sales continue to struggle. I think it would be a better future strategy if M&S decides to focus less on celebrity-laden advertising campaigns and invest more in bringing back the quality and originality in its clothing designs. It is reported that M&S CEO Bolland faces pressure from critics as the business reports consistent fall in clothing sales. (Thompson 2013). In contrast to cloth sales, M&S has made more progress as the most significant food retailer in the UK in terms of customer satisfaction. I think that same old arguments regarding performance and clothing sales will keep haunting M&S cloth stores in the coming years if the leaders do not make radical changes in the company. Employee empowerment is good but this is also true that M&S has suffered quite much as a result of deciding to distribute power to the lowest level possible. This decision started many of its store managers making many decisions on their own which were not very well-thought-out and negatively interfered with both fashion sales and customer loyalty. It is suggested that delivery of power to employees working on all levels is good but only if top management continues to heavily monitor all operations being performed. It is also recommended that people at top positions in the company who have power should establish a new healthy culture at M&S plc in an attempt to rid it of its constipated culture. This is the biggest challenge which should be analyzed in order to plummet down the rate of operation problems. Also, failure to meet profit targets is one of the primary issues encountered by the management. Several issues like poor relations with investors and suppliers, embarrassing boardroom arguments, failure to provide trendier clothes at lower prices, and more than necessary autonomy given to people working at low level are responsible for this. I think that as a way of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Auditing 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Auditing 8 - Essay Example the bank accounts of the business so that they are able to determine the financial aspects they are needed to have findings on such as revenue, asset base, and cash flows. Full disclosure also has the impact of keeping finances and the operations of accompany open and transparent (Crist, 2009). Not disclosing an account containing $500,000 is gross and has the impact of rendering the auditors work unsatisfactory. It is negligent on the part of the new owners not to be aware of the existent of such an account. To avoid compromise, the auditor should note this in the final report. 2. According to Securities and Exchange Commission actions needed to improve Public Company Accounting Oversight Board selection process. (2002); a public accounting company shall be deemed to be independent in the performance of professional services like auditing of clients as stipulated by the standards promulgated by the bodies authorized by the council such as SEC, DOL or AICPA SEC. The independence of a public accounting company will be considered impaired with regards to a client when the employee of the accounting firm gets employed by the client after leaving the accounting firm unless some conditions are met. However, it is not easy to mention instances when the appearance of independence may be in question. Depending on the type of auditor employed by the firm, they can be paid in terms of audit fees or audit salaries (Funnell, & Robertson, 2005). Audit payments are competitive with the sole objective of ensuring that auditors do not indulge in unethical, unfair practices in the process of their work. To give the true and fair position with regards to a client’s financial position, auditor’s independence is paramount. 3. Representation letters are quite different from audit evidence due to the fact that they may involve transactions with massive impacts on the financial statements of the company without being able to produce corroborative evidence (Engel, 2005). Given the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Creative Writing Essay Example for Free

Creative Writing Essay Brooke stood outside of his trench now, leaning against the outside wall and smoking a cigarette. He inhaled and breathed out slowly, his eyes brimmed with tears as he stared up at the black sky, which every so often lit up with white light from an explosion somewhere. He closed his eyes and he willed away the tears, but rather than disappearing as he had hoped, they rolled down his dirty, pale cheeks and stung his rough lips. He watched indifferently as men went back and forth carrying stretchers laden with moaning men with horrific injuries. Once they came by carrying a young boy who Brooke thought could not have been any older than eighteen, he was covered in blood and had taken a serious blow to the head as he was blown back by a shell landing nearby. He was still and unmoving as the stretcher-bearers hurried him back to the infirmary barracks. Finally, a sergeant named Truman tentatively approached him. Sir? Yes, what is it? , he replied wearily. Sir, Private Atkinson is hysterical sir, hes frightening the other men and Sergeant Williams cant control him. Williams says can you please come, Sir? Brooke sighed. A deep long sigh. Yes all right, tell him Im coming. When the two men entered the trench all the men in the first battalion looked up with faces as dark as storm clouds and expressions which could melt a heart of stone. Brooke nodded at them as he strode past but they had no effect on him anymore. He marched straight up to where Atkinson and Williams were and sat down beside Atkinson. The boy lay shaking and muttering, he was hugging himself and rocking back and forth with his eyes tightly shut. As Brooke sat down next to him his muttering became louder and louder until he was almost shouting it. Theres no place like home. Theres no place like home. Theres no place like home. Theres no place like home. He kept saying it over and over again. Tears streamed down his face and his movements became more and more rigid. Brooke looked at Williams and then around the trench. Twenty faces stared back at him, watching his every move. He shivered. Atkinson? Atkinson, do you hear me? Atkinson nodded and continued muttering. Brooke noticed a large red mark across the young boys right cheek. Did you do this? he snapped at Williams. Williams shook his head. Brookes sharp grey eyes bore into him; he nodded and looked away. Brooke glared at him then, slowly with all the gentleness of a mother caring for her child, reached out and lifted the shaking Atkinson up to lean against him. The boy buried his head in his commanding officers shoulder and grasped at his shirt, sobbing. Atkinson he said, then continuing in a kind but stern voice. David, control yourself. David, we are all scared, but we must not let our emotions overcome us. Do you hear me? Yes Sir. Now, when you go home to your mother, you will meet a nice young girl whom you love very dearly and you will go on to spend the rest of your life with her. However, to do that you must first get through this. Now, you will survive this, but you have to try. Will you do that for me? Will you do that for your mother? Yes, Sir.   As the train pulled into the country station a man, around twenty-three years old stepped casually off and onto the platform. He breathed in deeply and looked around him; everywhere he looked he saw smiling faces and happy families. Dark memories of war clouded his mind; he shook them away and started at a brisk walk towards the town. He sat in the cool church watching the young couple stood at the altar beaming at each other. He listened to the vicar as he droned on, Do you David Atkinson take Anna Phillips? You see Thomas old chap? Life goes on.. Brooke thought to himself. Victoria Holland 11BM English Coursework Mrs Dukes Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Social Problem Of Prostitution

The Social Problem Of Prostitution Prepare a discussion of at least four substantial paragraphs answering the questions that follow. Use at least one source beyond the course text that supports your position (remember to cite your source in APA style). Respond to at least two of your classmates postings. What would be the consequences for society if we could effectively halt the practice of prostitution? Should we do this even if we could? Could prostitution ever by organized such that it did not result in the exploitation of women? My Response There would be an increase in social problems; more rape, abuse, poverty, violence, trafficking, and underground prostitution if the practice of prostitution was effectively stopped. If we halted the practice of prostitution, we might as well halt the practice of pornography also. I am against legalizing prostitution but do not think it should be banned, because no matter what, prostitution will always be around. I believe prostitution is wrong, by legalizing it, some will think allowing sex outside of a marriage is ok, leading to more divorces, disease, and promote the approval of womens degradation (Henslin 2008, p. 79). Women are not objects, and should not be for sale. I like this statement from former Swedish Deputy Prime Minister, Margareta Winberg (2002), Prostitution and trafficking causes, gender inequality, sex and racial discrimination, and economic deprivation, as well as the rule of law, crime control, law enforcement and corruption (Winberg 2002, Sweden as Chair section para.5 ) In my opinion, streetwalkers should be incorporated into a red zone, or red light district, by doing this would help keep the drug addicts, and disease inflicted people separate from others. They should have to pay taxes, and have a rule where there are no sex services provided after a certain A.M. hour, like individual state laws on bar closing hours. If prostitutes or clients are found outside of that area, or after hours, they should be arrested. All other prostitutes would work as an escort, call girl or in a brothel, be regulated, and have proof that all employees have been tested for diseases and all employees will be taxed like any other worker. Legalizing prostitution will still exploit women. Searching for prostitution prevents law enforcement from responding to other victims and dangerous felons, and most of the time only the prostitutes are arrested, not the pimps, clients, or the strip club owners/managers, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ By legalizing prostitution, laws could be enforced against people who abuse, or are violent against sex workers. Child sex, sex trade, forced labor, and kidnapping would be easier to target. To try to lower or halt the practice of prostitution, we need to warn women against solicitors and stop them, in order to encounter the demand for prostitution. Men, are usually the buyers of commercial sex acts, and the biggest consumers, of trafficked and prostituted women and children. Men do not respect prostitutes, but use them for entertainment, sexual gratification, acts of violence, and use them to meet their emotional needs, not their physical needs. In order to reduce victims of prostitution, and encounter the exploitation of women, all the components of the demand need to be punished; the men who purchase the sex acts, the exploiters, traffickers, pimps, and the culture that lies about the nature of prostitution (Hughes 2004, pp. 3, 4, 7). Sex will sell as long as there are men. Henslin, J. M. (2008). Seeing the social context. Boston, Ma: Allyn Bacon. Hughes, D. M. (2004). Prostitution causes and solutions (Adobe Digital), Retrieved from Winberg, M. (2002, November 28). Address by the swedish deputy prime minister, margareta winberg. Retrieved from 2/9/2010 8:54:09 PM If we could effectively halt the practice of prostitution the consequences in society would be many. The rise in crime would be, in my opinion, almost immediate. Sexual crimes such as rape and sodomy would be but the tip of the iceberg; domestic violence would rise, more violence could ensue because sexually frustrated people are not necessarily the nicest. Also more poverty would be one outcome, because prostitution is a mean of income for many; therefore robbery, drug dealing, burglary and other illegal means of income would rise as well. Should we do away with prostitution if we could? As I thought of my answer for this question, an interesting memory came back to me: when I was a teenager my parents would not allow me to wear loose fitting baggy clothes because they felt that a person should dress appropriately and that the baggy style looked street or like you had no home. In my mind I found my parents to be too stereotypical, they needed to Americanize; after all, we had left our fitted-jeans country a long time ago, who would judge me by my clothes? The more they denied me the right to dress like that, the more I wanted to; I would sneak my fathers t-shirts to school, I would borrow my friends X-L sweat pants and change in the bathroom at my school. I felt I was cool, I fit in with the rest of my peers; of course I was caught various times, but I didnt care, Id continue to do it. One day my parents sat me down and said, OK, we get it, you want to dress like the rest to be cool, youre allowed to do so, baggy outf its are added to the swear jar I felt like I won, I dressed baggy almost every day for three weeks and paid a dollar to the swear jar, and thenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the magic wore off. I was no longer going against anyone; there was no thrill of getting caught, nothing; if anything I was losing money for my stubbornness. I went back to dressing appropriately. My parents were very smart when they did this, although they did not like it, they approved it and taxed it (which I later learned was the money we used for family outings), everyone got their way. Where am I getting to? Well, I feel that we should play it smart. If we were able to successfully stop prostitution, the negative outcomes may outweigh the positive ones. Instead, I think that we should legalize prostitution, set guidelines for the practice such as testing every week, no pimps, males allowed to work in this profession (EEO) and best of all: tax it; right or wrong it could stimulate the economy. This could have positive outcomes in that, there would be less scandals, less sexual crimes, possibly less STDs going around and a monetary gain to the government. Organizing prostitution so that it is not exploitation of women, I believe is possible. Exploitation by means of prostitution is a matter of perspective; one can argue that the woman is exploiting the men. The men exploit the women by satisfying his own needs and the women are exploiting the men because they know he has them and is willing to pay. With the exception of prostitutes who are slaved by their pimps, I dont think anyone is exploiting the women. Perhaps if there were rights or laws protecting prostitution as a profession, such as no pimps, medical rights and protection from harassment, the perspective of exploitation could be done away with. Henslin, J. M. (2008). Social problems: A down-to-Earth approach. 8th edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. The Larry Mahoney Case Read Issues in Social Problems on page 121 of your text. Larry Mahoney served ten years in the Kentucky state prison at La Grange. In at least four paragraphs, prepare your discussion around the case questions: Do you think this was just? Instead of going to prison, do you think that he should have been fined and had his drivers license revoked? Or should he have been given the death sentence, as some prosecutors demanded? What do you think would have been appropriate? Respond to at least two of your classmates postings. I feel that the Larry Mahoney case was treated very lightly. I do not feel that his punishment was just. Yet I am forced to say it was well handled. The jury charged him with manslaughter and other lesser offenses and recommended 16 years of imprisonment, and under Kentucky law the judge could not add to the sentence. It is beyond me why the fact that he drove drunk and killed any amount of people didnt get him his license revoked permanently! Was the sentence just? Yesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ to an extent. It is bizarre to me how some prosecutors throw the death penalty request around like its any other paper request in an office. Its supposed to be justice right? How is it fair that a man who killed 27 people, gets to die and the family of the dead get to live with the pain, sorrow and hurt in their hearts, bodies and soul? No death penalty, let him live to face the consequences; and besides, how would justice for accidentally killing people be served by purposely killing someone else? That is like swatting your childs hand and yelling hitting people is wrong, dont do it! I am FOR the death penalty when it comes to serial anything, killer, rapist, et al. They pose an extreme danger to society, we cannot teach them a lesson, we cannot re-wire their brains, they are not remorseful Fining him and revoking his license should have been done regardless of him going to jail or not, regardless of him killing people or not; it should have been done regardless of any outcome when he was found drunk behind the wheel. Spending 16 years in jail seems to me to be a bit fair, because that is what the jury delivered; I was not there, I am not aware of how the law worked back then and I believe that if 12 complete strangers all come to the same agreement of justice, then justice was served for them. I do not, however, agree with the fact that his license was not revoked, or that he was eligible for parole; good conduct or not, he should have served the full sentence. The sentence I would consider fair, would be: 54 years imprisonment No eligibility for parole Permanent revocation of all driving privileges We can sit here and argue all day on this subject, but the truth is that our judicial system is far better now than it was back then. Justice was served for that time, not ours. Henslin, J. M. (2008). Social problems: A down-to-Earth approach. 8th edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

The main techniques Fitzgerald used to introduce our main character Gatsby :: English Literature

The main techniques Fitzgerald used to introduce our main character Gatsby Author's Techniques by Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald is a very diverse and interesting author to analyze. The techniques he uses for each character or theme that he wants to present is different from page to page, thus making him a multifaceted. When speaking of the title character of the book, Jay Gatsby, there are a few specific techniques used in the layout of his features. Gatsby doesn’t appear in the book in flesh and blood until the third chapter of the book however by that time Nick Carraway has received enough second hand information about him. However there is of course a reason as to why Fitzgerald waited with the introduction of this man; the more we waited for the Great Gatsby the larger his reputation grew in order for us to build a predetermined view about him. The main techniques Fitzgerald used to introduce our main character Gatsby was reputations and postponed introduction thus creating a lot of mystery around this man. At first when Nick enters one of Gatsby’s parties he doesn’t see the host indulging himself in the luxuries of the crowd, food and music though instead he is nowhere to be seen. This is a very surprising enigma for Nick since generally you would presume that whoever has this much wealth would thrive in showing it off to his guests. On top of this, you have a lot of rumors circulating every one of his parties. Catherine McKee once said that Gatsby is â€Å"the son of Kaiser Wilhelm†, the current ruler of Germany. Of course every speculation made was false however as Nick heard them all, his anticipations for their meeting grew. This is a clever technique since not only does it enhance Gatsby’s character importance in the novel though it shows how little the supporting characters of the book knows him. We hear all sorts of rumors about how Gatsby acquired his wealth however not until chapter VII do we have definite proof of how his money came about. On page 140, two thirds into the book, Tom confronts Jay about who he really is. It is during that event where Tom throws all the facts about his bootlegging in Jay’s face ‘I found out what your â€Å"drug-stores† were-‘ He turned to us and spoke rapidly. ‘He and this Wolfshiem bought up a lot of side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter. That’s one of his little stunts†¦..’What about it? said Gatsby politely. ‘I guess your friend Walter Chase wasn’t too proud to come in on it.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Cochlear Implant :: deaf community

The Cochlear Implant   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The cochlear implant is possibly one of the greatest inventions designed to benefit the deaf community. A cochlear implant is a device implanted internally behind a deaf persons ear with an external microphone, and is designed to provide artificial sounds to people who have nerve deafness in both ears and show no ability to understand speech through hearing aids. Since the development of the cochlear implant in the 1960’s, more than 10,000 people worldwide have been implanted with this device.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although this may seem like the perfect device to aid deafness, a lot of controversy still exists about the cochlear implant. There are many advantages and disadvantages about the implant. I will start by discussing the advantages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The cochlear implant has allowed many deaf people to live out ‘hearing lives’. During the 1960’s, more primitive implants allowed for partial hearing, the percentage of words that could be understood without lip reading was about 12%, But with modern technology, that number has risen to about 80%, making conversations with a deaf person and a hearing person possible through speech without the use of sign language. Deaf people who have experienced hearing and language skills previously, benefit much more from the implant because they do not have to learn new sounds or words.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although the cochlear implant can benefit deaf people greatly, there are still many disadvantages. Of the 15 million people in the U.S. with significant hearing loss. Less than 1% are potential candidates the the cochlear implant. There is no standardized criteria for accepting or rejecting a candidate, but they often need to meet audiological, medical, and psychological criteria. As with all surgeries, there is some degree of risk, but because of the anatomical location being so close to the brain, these risks are much greater. Even though the cochlear implant may be suitable for more deaf

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Great Gatsby Film Essay -- omnipotent feelings, classic novel

Class distinctions often determine actions. People who believe themselves as better than others will strive to garner, or even just associate themselves with, wealth in order to feel omnipotent. Through the classic novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, film Washington Square, based off the novel by Henry James and cover of the October 12th, 2009 issue of The New Yorker, the authors show that money will result in perversion. Because some people have delusions of superiority, they are more likely to be corrupted by money as its power appeals to them. It is only those who are humble and do not desire the power money bestows who can remain uncorrupted. Tom Buchanan, Doctor Sloper, and the woman from the cartoon all boast their â€Å"superiority† over others. Tom, a man of â€Å"old money† (family wealth), owns a home that indicates his status to all who pass by. Described as a â€Å"Georgian Colonial mansion overlooking the bay† (11), the home is located in East Egg, the more â€Å"fashionable† place where â€Å"White Palaces... glittered along the water† (10). Nick even mentions that Tom is one of the few men of his generation who was rich enough to own â€Å"a string of polo ponies† (10). Tom, along with being ostentatious, uses force to assert his power over those who are not wealthy like him. This is foreshadowed from the beginning of the novel when he asks Nick if he read The Rise of the Coloured Empires. The title alone indicates that it is a novel that only a power-hungry and egotistical man would read. Even his wife refers to his as a â€Å"brute of a man† (16). However the r eader does not get a true feel for his barbarity until the great fight in his apartment. The small New York City loft located on 158th street serves as a meeting place for Tom and... ...iman goes to formals with the family, dresses in extravagant dresses, and interferes with Catherine’s life. When Catherine is away, Mrs. Penniman tries to transform Mr. Townsend into her perfect man, rather than Catherine’s. As a result, she corrupts him with money by helping him find a high-paid job and letting him live the high life while the Slopers are in Europe. When Catherine confronts her, she replies, â€Å"I thought of him as my own†¦ my own son† (1:29:40). Work Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, 2013. Print.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Third World

Nationssocl 105 midterm exam Short Answer Question #1 What comes to mind when you here the term â€Å"Third World†? Most of the people in the United States find it hard to come to terms with the life style and struggles that are associated with this term. The term, â€Å"Third World† was first introduced during the Cold War. During this time, the â€Å"First World† referred to the United States and its’ allies, â€Å"Second World† consisted of the Soviet Union and its allies and the â€Å"Third World† was associated with the non-allied and neutral countries.After the second world war, these countries, who were mostly new to independence, were left trying to keep up with the fast growing world economy. The countries that couldn’t keep up were in dyer need of foreign involvement to help them develop. Thus, the term Third World ‘development’ was introduced. These underdeveloped countries were categorized by their low per-capi ta incomes, high illiteracy rates, limited development of industry, agriculture based economies, short life expectancy, and were often unstable politically (class notes).Plans to help promote development in these â€Å"Third World† countries were first conceived at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944. Representatives of 44 countries met in Bretton Woods, N. H to talk about postwar financial arrangements. It was at this meeting that the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and International Monetary Fund were developed.The World Bank consisted of five divisions the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD; its main component), the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) (answers. com/topic/worldbank). The two main divisions associated with development w ere the IFC and IDA. The IFC did its part by lending money to private business in developing countries.With fresh capital, the hope was that these businesses would be able to produce goods, which could then be purchased by the countries people and in-turn create a stable economy within the developing country. The purpose of the IDA was to help out the banks poorest countries by providing interest free loans. As seen in the class film â€Å"Life and Debt,† Jamaica was able to go to the World Bank and ask for a loan when they’re country was forced to come up with money that wasn’t available. This loan request was most likely handled by the IDA.Another institution that was created was the International Monetary Fund. With more than 180 countries as members, the purpose of the IMF was to help ensure the smooth international buying and selling of currency. The IMF met this requirement by stabilizing currency-exchange rates and by providing advice and technical assist ance to its barrowing countries. Member countries do their part by contributing operating funds and receive voting rights based on their involvement in international trade and national income.There are many terms that are associated with countries that have not reached an industrial state. Developing nations, third world, and global south are some terms that can be used in describing these nations (class notes). Being a country that is labeled by one of these terms can be tough. If you were a developed nation would you want to get involved economically with a country with lifestyle associated with these terms. This is why its it so difficult for the underdeveloped countries to get involved with the world economy because of their reputation and the biased judgment that comes with it.Short Answer Question #2 One of the main indicators of development in a country is its Gross Domestic Product or GDP. Gross Domestic Product is measures the amount of goods and services produced in a spec ific country or region. GDP has become one of the main statistics used by scholars to measure a countries development, however, some say that GDP is an inaccurate measurement and that it has created some problems as the main indicator for development. GDP includes goods and services that do not include a countries economic wealth and, on the other hand, excludes things that do.According to paecon. net, GDP excludes three main categories. The first category that has been excluded by GDP is household production. Statistics say that most people spend more than 17% more time doing domestic work than paid work. That means that most of the people in these developing countries are too busy doing work around the house. That includes activities such as house cleaning, cooking, and caring for their children. Are we to say that because these people spend more time caring for their families they are to be penalized for it with a decrease in GDP?Another problem associated with GDP is the amount of voluntary work that may occur in a country. What was once done by a paid professional and accounted for in GDP, could have now been done voluntarily. Therefore, societies with widespread voluntary work may will have a lower GDP but have a good economic well-being. Another big form of income that is overlooked by GDP is the informal economy within these developing countries. Informal economy includes any direct sale activities such as odd jobs, street trading, and most of all the black market.This selling of goods and services often goes untaxed and unrecorded therefore is not included into a countries GDP. Overall GDP overlooks many forms of income, which can result in a misinterpretation of a countries economic well-being. There are other aspects of development that can also being affected by a countries’ GDP. It is believed that the people are the real economic drive to a nation, as a result, the Human Development Index was created. The HDI is a combination of different statistics to help judge the development of the people within a certain country.These statistics include life expectancy, education, and GDP. Therefore, the HDI of a country can be underestimated if its’ GDP is incorrect. The HDI also helped introduce the Gender Development Index (GDI). The GDI is a measure of the achievement of men and women within a country and also takes into account the inequality. GDI has a direct relationship to HDI, therefore, if the achievement of men and women goes down or one genders achievement becomes increasingly higher than the other, HDI will go down. The next step in human development comes in the form of the Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM).This statistic is now related to GDI in that it takes the capabilities achieved by the men and women and shows how they apply them to everyday life. GEM focuses on if the genders become active economically and politically within their country. Because these forms of human development are intertwined, and G DP is included in HDI, a miscalculated GDP could result in a snowball effect causing all the numbers to be skewed. The measurement of Gross Domestic Product has a negative effect on most developing countries.GDP overlooks the presence of household production, voluntary work, and the informal economy within a country; which causes GDP to often be underestimate and the worth of a country seem much less. Short Answer Question #4 Third World countries grew at a rate of 4. 7 percent during the 1960s. The growth rate of the East Asian NICs was 7 to 10 percent. These newly industrialized countries of East Asian included South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. These countries managed to fulfill the goals of the development project and raise their living standards politically, economically and socially.However, they also showed how development initiatives can be very selective and how other countries may not have the same success if the same path is followed. One of the first steps th ese countries took towards improving their economy was by receiving a healthy amount of foreign investment. A good amount of this capital was directed towards developing facilities to manufacture exports such as textiles, shoes, electronics, and other apparel. Foreign investors were drawn to the cheap yet efficient labor that was available in the Asian NICs, which allowed businesses to keep coming.These countries offered a comparative advantage through their low-wage but relatively skilled and educated workforce. As a kid it seemed as if every toy or electronic that was being used was branded with the mark ‘MADE IN TAIWAN’ or ‘MADE IN HONG KONG. ’ Throughout the 1960s and 70s, the East Asian NICs continued to grow into the industrialized superpowers we see today. Though the East Asian countries had great success following the development project, the result was not the same for other countries in the Third World. The manufacturing section in GDP was extreme ly low in countries such as Africa and Latin America.By 1972, the Oraganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development realized that one size did not fit all and that, â€Å"the measures designed to help developing countries as a group have not been effective for the least developed countries† (Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective). It was clear that different countries required a plan to deal specifically with their problems. It seemed to be too tough for the Eastern European Countries to follow the same path as those countries that had involvement with a western power.The countries that had once been colonized had hands on experiences on how a country should be run. These previously colonized countries also received aid in the form of export processing zones or free trade zones as seen in the video â€Å"Life and Debt†. These zones where specifically designed to create jobs and give the people of the country the opportunity to earn an income by prod ucing goods for the investing nation. Eastern European countries did not have that luxury. They, like other struggling Third World countries, focused on an agricultural based economy that proved to be not as successful.Every Third world country is going to respond differently to the development initiatives. The path taken by the East Asian NICs may not be suitable for another underdeveloped country. The East Asian path worked for the NICs because they had a workforce that could support the labor needed to manufacture ‘money making’ exports. Again, going back to the movie â€Å"Life and Debt†, the Jamaican workers were replaced by Asians whom were able to get the job done and meet the quotas set by the investing nation.I believe that every Third World country is given the same opportunity to develop and it is up to them to use the resources provided by the world powers to make a change. However, some Third World countries have dug themselves too deep of a hole. In the case in Africa, a massive debt burden has accumulated in the attempt to develop and foreign aid could only undermine Africa’s domestic products at this time (class notes). It seems the more these stagnant countries try to fight toward development, the more they slip toward increasing debt and a permanence as a Third World county.Essay: There are three main theories in development: modernization theory, dependency theory and world systems theory. The two theories that seem to clash ideals the most are the modernization theory and dependency theory. At the end of WW II the world was divided into three main divisions: Capitalism in the United States, Communism in the Soviet Union, and newly independent nations that became known as the Third World. The United States began studies on these Third World countries, hoping to promote development through their eyes instead of communist Soviet Union.Through these studies emerged a new bread of American political scientists who toge ther developed the basis for a modernization theory of development. The dependency theory, however, was created from a Third World perspective. It was designed with the developing country in mind and not through an already developed countries eyes. Both theories have different views on the right path to development. In search for a basis for its theory, the modernization theory became a hybrid of the functionalist theory and the evolutionary theory (So, Alvin.Chapter 2: The Modernization Perspective). Most members in the modernization school had previously studied the functionalist theory, therefore, it became the trademark of the modernization theory. The other aspect, evolutionary theory, supported the idea that Third World countries must evolve from a traditional to a modern society through technology and institutions. One of the main strengths of the modernization theory was that is was developed by the most powerful nations at that time, the United States.The United States had grown to become one of the most powerful countries in the world economically, socially, and politically. Although the gap between the rich and poor in the United States is still great, the poor are still better off today then they were back in the early 1900s. The weakness that ties along with that topic is that the United States assumed that the Third World countries had some form of stability and are going through the same problems that the United States faced in their early development stage, which is not the case.The governments in third world countries are often corrupt and not necessarily looking out for the best interest of the people. Therefore, what may have worked for the United States could not work in the Third World countries who are faced with different and more extreme problems. Another strength that goes along with the modernization theory is that it has worked before with the East Asia NICs. Countries such as Hong Kong and South Korea grew throughout the 1960s and 7 0s by manufacturing and exporting foreign goods.With the success that Eastern Asian had using the theory it’s hard not think that it could work in other Third World Countries. Another problem that could occur with foreign involvement, however, is that the Third World countries could become too dependent on developed countries to provide them with work. As long as underdeveloped countries are going to manufacture products at a cheap labor cost, developed countries are going to keep exploiting them for their own profit.The modernization theory has worked in the past, however, not all situations are the same and it can cause Third World countries to become too dependent on the core countries. The dependency theory is based around a completely different concept. The dependency theory was first developed in Latin America after the crash of the program U. N. Economic Commission for Latin America (So, Alvin. Chapter 5: The Dependency Perspective). In the 1960s Latin American faced a tough time of economic stagnation along with a crisis of orthodox Marxism. Revolutionists turned to the ideas of neo-Marxism as a to base their dependency theory.Unlike orthodox Marxism, neo-Marxism saw the development issues through a Third World countries perspective. This was one of the main strengths that went along with the dependency theory. It realized that each countries situation is going to be different and also takes into account the historical context of that country. Where modernization says to throw away tradition, dependency says to go with what has worked for your country in the past. Another strength is that it allows for countries to think of development on a more long-term scale.Instead of jumping from the manufacturing of one exploited good to another, you can become more dependent on the goods and services that your own country can produce which can allow the Third World countries to develop and stabilize based on their own best interest and not just working to please the west. However, leaving an undeveloped country to develop by themselves, could have very negative consequences. Everything is worse in the third world. The governments are more corrupt, the poor are poorer, and there is a lack, if any, of infrastructure.It seems as if they are set up to fail if left on their own. A negative aspect that goes along with that idea is, what happens when western influence is removed? If Nike decides to open up a factory in Thailand, they don’t just set up the factory and let it be run by the people of Thailand. The factory is managed by the west. Policies in the workplace are enforced by the west. A factory ran by a Third World country may notice a huge decrease in efficiency, due to lack of experience and ultimately result in them not being able to compete in the world market.Dependency theory allows for the Third World country to develop themselves based on their conditions, however, some of these countries are so underdeveloped that self -stabilization may seem impossible. These two opposing theories have offered ideas to help more current development situations. The World Bank offers loans to the Third World countries who need the economic help. However, you still have to pay them back with interest. A country who supports dependency theory than has to use that money toward building on their own and finding a way to make that money back.A current example of modernization theory would be the current war in Iraq. The United States sent military forces overseas to discard of the traditional lifestyle of the Iraqi people and help move them toward modernization. The ideas of dependency and modernization theory can be useful in dealing with current development issues. There is an on going debate on the right path to development. You could choose to follow the policies set by the dependency theory. Peripheral countries break away from core countries to develop independency and allow for a socialist revolution to knoc k of the old peripheral elites.Or you could decide that the modernization theory is the best route to take and receive aid from the west and allow for an international division of labor. Both theories have their positives and negatives yet both are reaching for the same goal of Third World development.Reference Page www. answers. com/topic/world-bank www. answers. com/topic/internationalmonetaryfun www. hdr. undp. org/en McMichael, Philip. (2008). Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective. United States of America. SAGE Publications. www. paecon. net www. questia. com

Monday, September 16, 2019

Racism Essay

Today Racism is so common that it has finally been recognized as an issue, however it hasn’t always been like this. In the past there has been count less acts of racism. Racism can be defined as racial discrimination over skin color, ethnic background and race, or a belief that some races are by nature superior. History is like a giant mirror, it made up of thousands of pieces that creates the whole. It reflects what we do, When the European settlers came to North America, they came with a promise of peace, yet time soon revealed differently. They took the children of the inhabitants (like the Indians and natives) and separated them from their family and people. They were beaten and punished like dogs when they showed signs of their culture (language) and were harassed (raped). They were looked down for their ethnic backgrounds, skin color, language and traditions. We can write a Custom Research Paper on Racism for you! Its hard to believe that things could get any worse as time went by, but it did. In the 1900’ African Americans were looked as servants maids factory workers and other low class jobs. This continued for awhile and became o big that it was finally recognized. This was when the African Americans were separated from the whites, in school, work places and society. They did not have the same rights as the whites did. In Canada natives weren’t given any rights to vote until not long ago. However this act was not the worse image reflected upon by history. The holocaust was an event that began with a single persons hatred for the Jews that erupted into a conflict, which involved the world. This person of course was Adolf Hitler, and the conflict, which involved the world, was World War II. Hitler was a man who took the word racism to the ultimate level both metaphorically and literally. He believed that the Arians were superior to not only the Jews but also the rest of the world. He even consider those with the same skin colour and similar cultured background to be less superior, so this means that he is racist to even those that are similar to him. This wasn’t the worse part however; Hitler soon turned his attention to the literal meaning of racism and dealt with it in a dreadful way. He killed the Jews, thousands upon thousands in concentration camps, or even in their homes. They didn’t kill for money or land, but for reasons based on racism. This was the Holocaust and throughout history this act of racism killed the most and is looked at even today, with terror. To me Racism is something I was not exposed to much because it has gotten a little better today, but it is still out there all around us, this urge which makes us feel higher when compared to others just because of the simple differences. Racism is something that can never end, its like a cycle when one act is finished (African Americans is looked at as equals with the whites) another will start, but we have to try. Racism is not needed, therefore it must stop.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Comparing Islamic Religion

To compare the Islamic religion, one has to first define Islam. â€Å"The word Islam means surrender or submission to the will of Allah, the one God†(Webster). The word Islam conveys much meaning, especially those of submission and peace. It is through the total submission to the will of God, also known as Allah, that one achieves peace with oneself, peace with the Creator, as well as peace with all creations. Muslims are believers who have submitted themselves to the will of God. The basic creed of Islam is the shahada. Shahada is the profession of faith: â€Å"I testify that there is no deity save God and that Muhammad is the messenger of God†(Schimmel 34). I study Buddhism. Buddhism is the name attributed to an intricate system of beliefs developed around the teachings of a single man known as the Buddha. Buddha is the title given to the Indian philosopher Gautama circa 2,500 years ago. Buddhism is a Western word. â€Å"The religion is known in the East as the Buddha-Dharma, or the teachings of the Buddha†(Maitreya 1). Buddhists share similar beliefs about the nature of the world and how to behave within it based on the teachings of the Buddha. Islam comes from the mouth of Muhammad. Buddhism is based on the Buddha†s personal experience of enlightenment. Thus, Muhammad is a divinely inspired teacher who preached the words of God†s will, whereas the Buddha shared his understanding of ‘the way† to attain enlightenment. Neither religion worships the tellers of the truth i. e. Muhammad and the Buddha. Instead, both religions recognize and appreciate the magnificent contribution both men have made as well as utilize the doctrines that summarize their school of thought-the Koran and the Four Noble Truths. The foundation of Islam is the Koran which is, for the pious Muslim, not the word of a prophet but the unadulterated word of God, which has become audible through Muhammad, the pure vessel, in clear Arabic language†(Schimmel 29). The main emphasis of the Koran is the oneness of Allah. All of humanity is regarded as subject to the will and power of Allah. It is He who has created mankind, and will one-day judge his creation. The faithful are called upon to believe in Allah and to listen to His Prophet and will be saved on Judgement Day. â€Å"The Four Noble Truths are the briefest synthesis of the entire teachings of Buddhism† (Maitreya 3). The first truth is that all life is unpleasant suffering, pain, and misery. The second truth is that this suffering is caused by selfish craving and passionate personal desire. The third truth is that this selfish craving can be overcome. The fourth truth is that the way to overcome the misery of life is by following the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path promotes sight and wisdom that will allow for inner peace, and ultimately enlightenment. The Koran†s principal assertion is that there is one God–the creator and sustainer of the universe. â€Å"This God, Allah, is compassionate and just. Because He is compassionate, He calls all people to believe in Him and worship Him†(Ali 6). Buddhism does not teach of gods. Instead, Buddhism teaches the way of life that Buddha comprehended-the Eightfold Path. The Koran declares that all of humanity is subject to the will and power of Allah. â€Å"It is a fundamental Islamic belief that we were created to serve (worship) Allah†(Ali 2). Islam religion regards mankind as the crown of creation, entrusted by God with management of the whole-created order. Humans can be weak and are susceptible to disbelief in God and to disobedience to His will. Humanity†s weakness is pride. Humans do not realize their limitations and believe they are self-sufficient. It is the people who are deluded by Satan that continued to disbelieve in Allah. Similarly, the Four Noble Truths proclaim that people make a mistake of being excessively egotistical. Analogously, Buddhism confirms that people error by identifying too strongly with personal existence in any one life. Unlike Muslims, who consider themselves committed to a mission by their belief in Allah, Buddhist aspires to escape from the sufferings of life. These two goals of life are vastly different. Muslims will always see themselves reflected in the eyes of God whereas Buddhists will never see a God, only their life as a cycle of rebirths until the release called Nirvana. The Islamic religion is an extensive, multidimensional, and complex topic just as Buddhism is. I acknowledge that I am neither an expert of the religion nor a religious scholar, yet. I am solely making a brief comparison between Islam with my own personal convictions and understandings of Buddhism.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Concept of Visit-Ability in terms of Disabled Building Access

Access for handicapped people to public infinites and installations has become an of import portion of the political and societal docket. The belief of the societal theoretical account of handicapped and elderly people have become the ideological hegemony of disablement policy devising and inclusive design practise in the 21stcentury in the Earth. Many professionals, public author, civil society administration and governmental bureaus are promoting different designs strategies for accessible edifice to all. The concrete awareness of what handicapped people faces in an incompatible built environment. Senior citizens, sooner will love to go on populating independently in their ain places as they age. However, excessively frequently, structural barriers of public infinites prevent those who acquires a physical damage from aging in a topographic point.The extended spread of unavailability in each state ‘s lodging stocks makes it hard for persons with disablements of all ages to see friends and relations ( lynott, 2008 ) . Each states are characterised by a design apartheid. The edifice form and design are engraved with the values of an able-bodies society. Therefore, from stairss into stores to absence of initiation cringles in public and civic edifice. The handicapped people have to personally confront the reinforced environment, which were ne'er designed to provide for a scope of bodily difference. This has form the nucleus value and the perceptual experience of some societal disablement critics to see the built environment as â€Å"disablist, that is projecting able- bodied † values which legitimise oppressive, bias and prejudiced practises against people strictly on the footing that they have physical or mental damage. Disability and ripening is a cardinal issues. In the following two decennaries, 1000000s of the public of the Earth will hold attain older age. Each states will be confronted with hard challenges in the reinforced environment including deficiency of sustainable, marketable, accessible and low-cost lodging ( Maisel, 2007 ) . Despite the fact that lodging, community and inclusive design affects everyone, the connectivity between people and the built environment has an of import impact on the handicapped people and the ageing public. Maisel stated that an inclusive lodging design or sole lodging design can either, mortify or ease the ability of the people to populate and age comfortably without any assistive mechanism. The most relentless job to handicapped persons, is substructures being unaccessible, including old public constructions and lodging. The most appealing and hereafter utile solution is acceptance of the construct of visit-ability and an inclusive and cosmopolitan design attack. A visit-able infinite or substructure has at least a wheelchair accessible entrywaies and land floor room accesss and corridors broad plenty for person in a wheelchair to go through through. A few metropoliss in the U.S. have adopted Torahs necessitating a certain sum of visit-able place building ( ADA 1990 ; Duarte & A ; Cohen 2007 ) . As the recent demographic displacement set out to increase the present deficiency of accessible substructures and an inclusive design, a turning subdivision of the public will confront challenges in handiness and serviceability of their habitation. Visit-ability, inclusive and cosmopolitan design, did non merely be given toward demand for more accessible lodging but, it besides makes out, that this demand broaden beyond multifamily lodging market ( Maisel, 2007 ) . Inclusive and cosmopolitan design attack reduces environmental barriers ( unaccessible to public edifice and conveyance system ) and besides saves cost for redevelopment in instances of future mobility damage. Maisel argues that when visit-ability is in topographic point, occupants in the community can welcome invitees who use wheelchairs or Walkers ( walking frames ) , or have some other mobility damage such as stiffness, failing or hapless balance. On future projections graduated table, visit-able, inclusive and universally designed places heighten sale and re-sale in an epoch where both the figure and the per centum of older people are turning quickly. Non-disabled purchasers are attracted to well-designed places that is inclusively designed to welcome their ripening, handicapped households and friends and supply easy-use convenience for themselves. Furthermore from a human psychological science ( emphasis ) position, all occupants find it easier to convey in babe saunterers, food market carts, or heavy furniture and in clip of impermanent disablements, i.e. broken leg or arm, surgery, etc. , can necessitate usage of an assistive wheelchair or other mobility device during the recovery/recuperating period. This can organize important incommodiousness in most bing habitation with unequal basic handiness characteristics. ( Seekins, 2006 ) . Gaining the additions and turning demand for more accessible lodging, many province and local legal powers of the developed states have joined visit-ability motion and advocated for an inclusive and cosmopolitan inclined designs. In fact, several municipalities and provinces across these states have already formalized and enacted visit-ability plans. With their common end of increasing the supply of accessible lodging, this visit-ability plan is being altered significantly. The three simple ways they tend to be different are the geographic countries they extend to, the range of characteristic they are being made up and the systematic programs by which they are implemented and enforced. For case, including extra architectural elements such as barricading for grab bars in bathroom walls and accessible environmental controls. Some visit-ability enterprises are mandatory, whereby builders and the home grounds are required by a edict or act to include visit-able characteristic during new building. Other plans are strictly voluntary or possibly ( Nasar & A ; Cowley, 2007 ) . Visit-able lodging is a cosmopolitan and inclusive design lodging construct that is developing quickly across North America and around the universe at big. One of the distinguishable about visit-able houses are such that, at same clip, it allows the place to be visited by friends and relations who are aging or hold disablements but besides allows these same people, a lodging pick to buy or go on to populate in as their demands alteration. ( Ringaert, 2007 ) . History of Visit-ability The construct of visit-ability originated in Europe but was initiated in the United State of America in 1986 by Eleanor Smith, a disablement right advocator. Visit-ability is a sustainable, low-cost, marketable, security and accessible design attack that moves towards individual household places, the highest desire is to acquire all new places non covered by the present entree ordinances â€Å"accessible enough† for a visitant with disablement. Therefore visit -able places tends to suit anyone and to supply entree to everyone, irrespective of some limitations to bing Torahs of disablement ( Smith, 1986 ) . New moves to unify handiness in a individual household lodging and public infinite is lifting and going important in the 21stcentury discourse on the demand for handiness for all. The Founder of this grassroots platform Eleanor Smith recalls, â€Å"That one twenty-four hours in 1986 while she was driving in her auto around her place metropolis in Atlanta US, she passed through many new lodging development and she observed that, those places had stairss at the entrywaies and all of a sudden, she looks at the place otherwise and thought that those houses could hold all had access.† ( NIDRR, 1999 ) . Concrete alteration promote the construct of visit-ability and work with the metropolis of Atlanta to go through the first visit-ability jurisprudence which makes it compulsory that all public lodging be accessible. Visit-ability became more see able throughout the 1990’s, as the construct was lodging fast. In 2001 and 2002, visit-ability came to the head as many other states has adopted it The Need and Evolution of Visit-ability Public infinite and handiness related issues are non limited to merely a few people, it adversely has an impact on a big figure of people, even the developed states like Canada, United States, United Kingdom etc. , who have mobility damage and hence go through barriers within their ain houses and public infinites. This public made up out of, but is non restricted to people who use assistive device. The information of statistical analysis from the handicapped Centre reveals that about 6.8millions of Americans occupants and about 8.7million of United Kingdom population make usage of the assistive devices to help their mobility ( DDA 1995 ; Laplante et Al. 2000 ) .Further surveies indicates that there will be an addition in the usage of mobility devices with the rapid rate of the aging public. ( Laplante et al. , 1992 ) . In common with the huge bulk of low-income states, non least in African, disabled and elderly people in Nigeria encounter a overplus of attitudinal ( deficiency of disablements issues by the general populace, etc. ) , institutional ( deficiency of entree to computing machine, cyberspace, information etc. ) and environmental barriers ( unaccessible to public edifice and conveyance system ) that impede and militate against their active societal inclusion within modern-day society. Many advocate groups and research workers sees visit-ability as a anchor towards carry throughing cosmopolitan design on a neighbourhood degree and a larger graduated table. In recognizing the deserving full intent of visit-ability in developing active communities and public infinites, Truesdale and Steinfeld ( 2002 ) argued, â€Å"Although less than the ideal of a universally designed place, visit-ability is truly cosmopolitan design engaged through inclusive design, community and vicinity planning. It guar antees that the basic degree of handiness will be put up in all the lodging and public infinite design, and it exposes chances for engagement in community life† . This instance analyze compliment resources for planing communities to accommodate societal diverseness and render just chances for all the occupants, or inclusive design. It centred on design of lodging to give handiness to people with disablements and aging in topographic point, while besides doing greater the comfortss and safety for all the occupants. This experience aims at doing alterations in the design practises. This is the cardinal aim of the inclusive design thought to grok that design for diverseness benefit all of us and our perceptual experience is been metamorphosed on differences as something about â€Å"them† ( Steinfield & A ; White, 2010 ) . Harmonizing to the late Bernard Isaac ( 1996, as cited in Clarkson et al. , 2003 ) he said â€Å"design for the immature and you exclude the old, design for the old and you include the young† .Presently, one billion people of the Earth have a noticeable grade of functional damage across Europe, and in other states, where the procedure is good advanced, big Numberss of the public have retired and embarking on new career and have quest to do full their longer life. This inclination will impact strongly on the markets and have across-the-board design deduction. ( Clarkson et al. , 2003 ) . When we look closely at mundane merchandise, we can rapidly detect where people may hold troubles utilizing them. Many of these troubles are as a consequence of design determinations made without respect to the user, as such this grounds are frequently superficial but fortunately, the replies may frequently be superficial excessively. For case if the flexible joints of a door grip is excessively little to open the door handily, it can be replace with a larger 1. However, physical composing of the public is altering fundamentally and basically. It is non adequate to look at those acquiring older, no affair how sound, tantrum and healthy we may suit or non experience at this point in clip, as clip goes on in our beloved life we will certainly travel through a lessening in our active and operational capableness. Our ability to take part activity in some action will be impaired e.g. through inadvertent injury or the natural ripening procedure, after achieving the age of mid-twentiess our organic structure of course begins to have on out ( Kirwood, 1999 ) .Our ability to larn, see, travel around freely diminishes ( Keates & A ; Clarkson, 2003 ) .Inclusive design is borne out of and physiques on an earlier attacks to plan for chiefly disabled and aged people with focal point on entree to the built environment. ( Coleman et al. , 2007 ) . The demand of visit-ability The demand of the construct of visit-ability is turning quickly on a planetary graduated table. Each state is endeavoring to implement the rudimentss, in order to do lodging and public infinites accessible to all, without any signifier of favoritism. Harmonizing to Rocky Marcoux, the commissioner for the section of metropolis development, metropolis of Milwaukee, W1 â€Å"when people have to go forth the vicinity because their house no longer meets their demand, its unneeded. It is a forced migration in a sense† . The laminitis of concrete alteration, Eleanor Smith in one of her aberrant bases on the necessity for lodging being accessible to all stated flatly and decidedly that â€Å"when we build houses, the houses are non meant to be habited by inanimate things but by homo who are likely be at that place for hundred old ages, more besides these things hurt cipher and they help a batch of people.† As population of the Earth additions and a high proportion of the public ages. There will certainly be an increase in demand, each state closes her rank and file in seeing to the turning demand and need for accomplishing inclusive lodging and community design through the acceptance of the construct of visit-ability. The demand of a visit able houses is lifting and a batch of states are traveling toward this way, in seeing to implementing bing handiness Torahs and implementing the execution of the Torahs. Though, as most of developed states strives to do up an environment that, is accessible to all without any signifier of prejudice. Some still lacks behind, United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, France, Norway are all in the frontline of this run but Norway is in front of other states of the Earth on the execution of accessible and inclusive design down to the community degree ( Bringa 2001 ; Smith et al. , 2007 ) . Regulation and Principle of Visit-ability Harmonizing to Walton d. Dutcher Jr. the Visit-ability Ordinance is a sensible thrust to necessitate minimal entree to places built with fiscal aid provided by the City. However, an embracing social position would be that anything less than an inclusive lodging and an accessible environment is, by default, discriminatory and biased. The visit-ability regulation requires all new places to be built with at least one entryway with no measure, and doors at least 32 inches broad. It besides requires, lever door grips, reinforced walls in ground-floor bathrooms so as to do it easier for an resident to put in grab bars, and the switches should non be any higher than 48 inches, and the Hallways should be 36 inches broad throughout the full chief floor. A visit-able house is non compulsory designated to hold the entire grade of handiness required by a awful disablement individual, it intentions is to make a place for anyone and to render basic entree features for all. The three fundamental rules of the construct of visit-ability are some cardinal characteristics of entree for all. New lodging units can be achieved at low cost, if implement at the earlier phase of building and good design are practised. Access and liveability for all is a civil right and a platform to better qualities of life and a limited figure of important characteristics will turn the magnitude of handiness comparable to a more across-the-board list of features. ( Maisel, 2006 ) . Challenges and Success of Visit-ability There are certain bing and recognised challenges to implementing visit-ability. From the place builders point of position, they have some frights and expostulations to the construct and rule of visit-ability, while some see it that it should be a voluntary action, others feels that it must be compulsory. ( National Association of Home Builders ( NAHB ) , 2003 ) . NAHB ( 2003 ) argues that the end-users ( place purchasers ) should be at autonomy to prefer the type of houses they want, non to be limited or constrained to accept characteristics they do non desire or necessitate now. Critics query the legality of regulations, cost of the plan and the practicableness of execution. The house builder ground that beside, the menace of the misdemeanor on place owners’ rights, accomplishing inclusive lodging and community design is excessively expensive and more besides negate architectural aesthetic qualities of a house ( Lawlor 2004 ; Myzek 1998 ) . Second, from the advocates’ positions, which antagonises the builders’ statement, that place builder non frequently request visit-ability and alteration should be reliable wholly on a free market system. They contend that most of place purchaser are non aware of the visit-ability motion and do non cognize that they could inquire for the basic visit-ability characteristics when constructing a new house. The advocators believes that the builders try to accommodate and fulfill themselves entirely by trying to determine the market to their ain belief and instead than merely reacting to the turning demands and demands of the market. ( State Building News, 2006 ) . The possible obstructions to the credence of new visit-ability plan are heighten by the deficiency of visit-able houses being built in communities that have long adopted the universal and inclusive design attacks. Several broad and specific policy issues embracing the construct of visit-ability must be harmonised to guarantee future success of accomplishing inclusive lodging and community design scheme. With consideration to these challenges, the visit-ability motion continues to come on, some of the indicant are the emerging measures, Torahs, federal, provinces Acts of the Apostless, public and bookmans outcry. As more people are being confronted with barriers in serviceability and handiness of their places, visit-ability references their demands and demands. Significance of Visit-ability These study works is to advance and construct on an inclusive design and community action undertakings that enhances the integrating of visit ­- ability lodging system. It is the believe that the development and acceptance of the construct of visit-ability toward inclusive lodging and community design is polar for everyone and more particularly, as it is in line with the aims of cosmopolitan design. One of the calculation and dramatic forces of construct of visit-ability toward accomplishing accessible lodging is that, it flexible, gives chances for the public to entree their friends, household members and neighbors and thereby, doing it useable and livable for all. Modern schemes for incorporating handiness characteristic are lifting. One of such is the compatibility and workability of the construct of visit-ability, inclusive and cosmopolitan design attack. The inclusion of basic entree at the start of building, reduces waste of resources, clip and energy dissipated, which could be needed for remodelling and house resettlement. Thus makes inventing vicinities designs inclusive, sustainable, marketable and low-cost. The mark of visit-ability differs from both entire handiness and cosmopolitan design but what is paramount is that on a short term agencies. Visit-ability is applicable and cheaper because the basic characteristic of visit-ability are integrated at the early phase of building. The purposes of visit-ability is great, it promotes the ability to age in one’s personal house, besides person has the ability to see 1s neighbour and presume an built-in portion of the community. Physical disablement issues, as more of civil and human right concerns, there are some bing and sensed obstructions to follow through visit-ability. As such it will be impossible for all the turning public to hold a positive attitude about their ability to remain on in their several places, as they ages, except if some of the bing barriers, Torahs and provinces limitations are looked into by the jurisprudence shapers.